Sunday, January 7, 2007


(10-1-03 Dallas, TX 7:23AM)

Genesis 1:2 “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”

The waters of my soul
Are as smooth as lake in morn
Calmness upon the face
Until he breathes a ripple born

Soft like morning dew
Upon the flower does set
To drink one drop anew
As sweet as when two have met

Sometimes rising like a geyser abrupt
Bursting forth from earth
I can’t help but shout
Of the perfumes of His mirth

Maybe a nightly rain
A gentle little shower
To cover all of my pain
And remind me of His power

This well within
Runs deep into the ground
I can’t even try to begin
To explain this drink I’ve found

A mist he gives
For me to be an evaporation
Poured in poured out, I live
Waiting for the Son, I grow in patience

My waters are calm this morn
For the storms of night have passed
Though my flesh and spirit are torn
That I may know the task

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